The adventure begins when an unexpectedly brutal snowstorm forces your car off the main road and onto a country side-street, where you stumble into Dire Grove, a tiny vacation retreat located in the north of England. Investigating a car that's been abandoned at the side of the road, you find a video camera and tape that turns out to be the first in a series of recordings that document the journey of four graduate students who are trying to prove that a certain Celtic legend surrounding Dire Grove is true.
The Celtic legend of Dire Grove has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Considered a fairytale, its telling was meant to frighten small children into staying in their beds through the night. A recently unearthed artifact in the United Kingdom, however, proves the dark legend to be true! Use your wits and Hidden Object talents to follow the trail of a group of missing graduate students in Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove!
The Celtic legend of Dire Grove has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Considered a fairytale, its telling was meant to frighten small children into staying in their beds through the night. A recently unearthed artifact in the United Kingdom, however, proves the dark legend to be true! Use your wits and Hidden Object talents to follow the trail of a group of missing graduate students in Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove!